divendres, 31 de juliol del 2020



És trist que es parli més que mai d'un music de talent a partir d'unes declaracions, en comptes de per la seva obra. Desafortunadament per ell, és així, i ara li toca el rebre

Divendres passat, Ian Svenonius es va sincerar i penjava  i despenjava minuts després a Instagram, això: ‘Vull utilitzar aquest lloc per dir que dono suport a les víctimes que estan declarant per erradicar l’abús i dir que jo també he sigut un dels culpables. Que, a través del meu narcisisme, egocentrisme i irreflexió, he actuat de forma esgarrifosa. He fet que persones que m’importen i respecto es sentin malament, he sigut completament inapropiat amb les dones... A qualsevol que hagi fet sentir malament o incòmode, em disculpo sincerament i em poso a la teva disposició. Sempre vaig pensar que era un revolucionari i ara el meu acte revolucionari és la auto-immolació’. Des de llavors, la seva pàgina a Instagram s’ha fet privada.

amb Chain & The Gang el 18 de febrer de 2018 a Barcelona

La discogràfica Merge Records ja ha fet saber en un comunicat que retirarà tot el material d’ell de les plataformes digitals, així com tot el físic de les botigues. Diuen que les darreres acusacions al voltant de les bandes de Burger Records el van fer reflexionar i va desencadenar l’auto-acusació pública del veterà músic mestre de cerimònies de bandes com Make-Up, Nation Of Ulyses, Chain And The Gang o més cap aquí amb Escape-ism. Sabem que no passarà ràpid, però les formes abusives, totes, han d’acabar-se.

La seva declaració completa:

BURN BABY BURN : the trash fire burning through underground music is long overdue. It is not happening in other spheres of the music industry. It is unique to the underground rock music scene because this scene is predicated on the concepts of access, participation, respect, and honesty. It rejects the capitalist models of hierarchy and exploitation. For all of the degenerate posturing of the punk progenitors, we exist in a highly moral scene where accountability is paramount. Accountability takes many forms and faces; at one time this manifested in fairness of pricing of records and concerts, or all ages shows where anyone could enter. Record labels that were accountable. This battle is over; the fans are few and most labels and money are gone.

Now the scene must address personal behavior. The interactions between people. As a lifelong punk i am permeated in the myths of rock. While we loathe the rock prescriptions of misogyny, power imbalance, sexual objectification, et al, we have also lionized the exploits of the greatest public degenerates (outside of politics, industry &military), the top sinners, the scum and the perverts and, at times i too have manifested aspects of their tawdry behavior. I want to use this forum to say that i support people speaking out for the eradication of abusive predatory modes and also that i am absolutely one of the guilty parties. That, through my narcissism, egotism, and thoughtlessness, i have acted the creep. That i have made people i cared about and respected feel terrible, have been completely inappropriate to women. While this may seem like virtue signaling, its not. We are interested in creating an accountable world where this kind of dialogue isn’t necessary . To anyone i have made feel bad or uncomfortable, i sincerely apologize and throw myself at your mercy. I always believed that i was a revolutionary and now my revolutionary act is self immolation. If rock ‘n’ roll behaves like its mortal enemy — the imperial war machine and the capitalist consumer cannibal factory, then it must be eradicated, burned, destroyed. So it can be borne again, free of the pollution that has infected it since its inception.

...i l’acció de Merge Records:

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