La tornada al cole tindrà un protagonista especial.
Un dels músics vius més interessants de l’època que ens ha tocat viure té
previst just a finals de setembre el llançament del nou treball i que es dirà b’lieve i’m goin down... així tal qual.
El treball l’edita Matador Records i el comunicat de premsa inclou aquesta quatre ratlles de
la incansable Kim Gordon:
‘Kurt does his own myth-making; a boy/man with an old soul voice in the
age of digital everything becoming something else, which is why this focused,
brilliantly clear and seemingly candid record is a breath of fresh air.
Recorded and mixed in a number of locations, including Los Angeles and Joshua
Tree, b'lieve i'm goin down...
is a handshake across the country, east to west coast, thru the dustbowl
history ("valley of ashes") of woody honest strait forward talk
guthrie, and a cali canyon dead still nite floating in a nearly waterless
landscape. The record is all air, weightless, bodyless, but grounded in convincing
authenticity, in the best version of singer songwriter upcycling.’
Just el disc al
carrer, iniciarà una gira pels Estats Units i Europa i afortunadament s’aturarà
a Barcelona el dia 22 de novembre si Déu vol.
... i aquest n’és el tema d’avançament:
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