Al Museu Nacional de Catalunya, es pot veure, encara fins a finals de setembre,
una exposició homenatge a la revista, una de les que anaven al capdavant del moviment underground de la ciutat.
Es centra especialment
en els seus primers anys, després de que el Cisco moris tranquil·let al llit
amb honors i vingués la gran enredada. Formava part d’aquell moviment
contracultural que (també) havia de canviar el món i al final no s’ha canviat
res. Però una cosa és certa, el treball que s’hi feia, no només en aquest àmbit,
el del còmic, sinó en tots els relacionats amb les arts i la música, fos perquè
ens creiem que anava de debò o perquè encara no tot si valia, eren de nota
alta. S’hi pot veure obra original, documents, una selecció de prop de 100 portades
i vídeos amb imatges de l’època.
L’anècdota de l’exposició es
veure-la a tot un MNAC. Entendre que al final, persones incloses (veure el
Mariscal amb el Cobi és molt
underground), irremeiablement som engolits pels que remenen les cireres i la
seva merda, aquella contra la que es feien les proclames. Aquest podria ser el
Al final, fa gràcia i tot veure
avisos per tot arreu de que l’exposició conté imatges de contingut sexual explícit.
No fos cas que algun catalanet/catalaneta ecologista-feminista-reciclat-de proximitat
se’ns enfadés.
Ens va fer arribar efluvis de la cultura pop,
format imatges.
Va ser dels escollits en els temps que si
tenies possibilitats, podies ser el rei del mambo. La campanya amb Nico per a Centenario Terry o les primeres bombolles de Freixenet, tenien ganxo i color. També la co-creació del Flash-Flash, amb la Karin Leiz per les
parets. Només per això, ja té la meva més profunda admiració.
Formava part de la ‘crosta divina’ de
Barcelona. Així, treballs com el vídeo per a la candidatura olímpica de la
ciutat eren inevitables. Com diuen, ningú és perfecte.
El juny va presentar No era pecat (Grup62),
les seves memòries.
innegable que a mitjans dels noranta els BJM
es van posar al davant del corrent psicodèlic marcant el pas com pocs.
els anys no ens han defraudat. Certament, a aquestes alçades, potser hi faltaria
alguna necrològica, però no ho tindrem en compte.
aquí – de fet si va posar fa deu anys – Jesse
Valencia ha fet la seva feina i ja ha escrit i editat un llibre explicant
la història de la banda californiana, encara que Newcombe se li posés de cul. Per sort sí que va obtenir les
declaracions de companys de viatge com Joel
Gion, Rick Maymi, Jeff Davies, Miranda L.Richards o Peter
Hayes. El llibre va sortir uns dies abans que Anton Newcombe i Matt
Hollywood es veiessin les cares davant dels procuradors per les seves desavinences
pel famós copyright de les cançons.
Jesse Valencia, que té banda pròpia de nom Gorky, el ven com la historia definitiva de la Brian Jonestown Massacre. Que no acabi també als jutjats.
‘És realment difícil recordar el
timeline, bàsicament perquè en aquells dies no hi havia timeline’Joel Gion
son alguns dels amistosos tweets que Newcombe li ha posat al pobre noi:
No, no serà el tema principal
de la pel·lícula que s’estrenarà l’any que ve d’un James Bond que rés té a
veure amb els llibres de Ian Fleming.
Com tampoc té rés a veure aquesta Iguana amb la que ens va tornar a totes boges amb els Stooges el 1969,
acompanyat per Dave Alexander i els germans Asheton amb aquell primer àlbum produït
per John Cale.
Amb 72 anys, com un senyor
gran, Iggy Pop es dedica a passar-s’ho bé, a anar al gimnàs i a sortir en
documentals parlant dels exitosos i creatius anys passats. Té tot el dret a fer el que vulgui. Com nosaltres amb el disc que traurà el setembre de nom Free (Loma Vista).
Aquesta James Bond és la
segona cançó que avança i alguns dels que en saben l’han qualificat de
infecciosa, com una cansión del verano. En realitat, només espero que quan jo arribi
als seus anys pugui fer com ell – ser actor, fer tours, escriure llibres (Til Wrong Feels Right), crear línies
de cafè – ni que només sigui una mica.
S’ha anunciat el “debut” en
solitari de la ex-SonicYouth Kim Gordon, que es dirà No Home Record.
Ha sigut enregistrat als
estudis Sphere Ranch de Los Angeles, on viu actualment, i
sortirà de la mà de Matador Records/Everlasting
la primera quinzena d’octubre. Considerant Murdered Out (compartit el 2016) com el primer avançament, aquest
segon tema manté la dinàmica experimental cap a la que s’ha decantat, des que
es va desenganxar de la nau d’abastament, amb els seus treballs com a Body/Head i altres col·laboracions. Aquest
camí comporta un risc de caiguda lliure diferent al dels seus companys i això
suma punts.
El clip, dirigit per Loretta
Fahrenholz, està inspirat en la pel·lícula No Home Movie de Chantal Akerman, cineasta belga conectada amb l'avantguarda de Nova York dels setanta i que va posar fi a la seva vida el 2015.
Els londinencs Black Doldrums ens tornen a
foradar les orelles amb un nou EP que sortirà el 23 d’agost via Club AC30
Un nou vessament de
reverberació amb missatge místic inclòs.’Angels
are among us but they’re your everyday heroes, your best mate or the back bone
of your band’. Guitarra i bateria a pel, amb tota la capacitat de rebentar
timpans de han sigut capaces de generar. Afortunades de poder ficar-nos sota la
seva capa.
A primers d’agost, la multi-facètica artista de
Toronto ha inaugurat, en el Kunstverein d’Hamburg, la seva primera exposició en
Amb el nom de Peaches: Whose Jizz Is This? combina art
visual i reflexió històrica a través d’obra escultòrica, fotogràfica, en pel·lícula
i text que obren debat en els temes on més es troba a gust, sexe, feminisme/queerness, gènere i noves polítiques.
el nucli de tot plegat hi ha els “fleshies”
autoproclamats com a tals per reesciure-ho. L’exposició inclou intervencions
musicals i un espectacle amb el nom de There’s
Only One Peache With The Hole In The Middle que ha sigut aquest cap de
setmana al teatre Kampnagel de la
mateixa ciutat alemanya. En activitat volcànica des d’aquell The Teaches Of
Peaches (2000).
Estarà fins el 20 d’octubre i
de moment no hi ha dates d’itinerància.
hi va haver un altre d’aquests concerts sorpresa als que Doherty ens té acostumades. Acompanyat pels Puta Madres Jack Jones, Katia
De Vidas i Rafa Rueda, se’ns va
posar a totes ràpidament a la butxaca amb la bellugadissa Hell To Pay At The Gates Of Heaven gairebé només arrencar. Encara
que sembli impossible, per sorpreses, les que ens dona la city a l’agost amb concerts
com aquest.
Darius Van Arman, fundador
del segell Jagjaguwar, li va demanar
al seu amic David Berman que escrivís
alguna cosa per a una biografia del segell cap el 2016. Explica que ‘David va dir que li venia molt de gust fer-ho,
però van anar passant les setmanes, quedàvem de tant en tant. I un dia va
arribar aquest text’.
(foto DC
Com sabem, David Berman amb 52 anys, va ser trobat
mort dimecres passat al seu apartament de Park Slope a Brooklyn i un parell de
dies després es va confirmar que va ser ell mateix qui va posar fi a la seva
vida d’aquí, deixant-nos a totes amb un pam de nas.
En uns dies
havia de començar la gira on presentaria el seu darrer disc, el meravellós Purple Mountains (Drag City).
recentment al nord-americà James Tate
okay…. gate pratt had an old house in charlottesville on 9th Street one of those literally on the other side of the tracks jobs. no college kids in the vicinity. A couple cross streets were called Wine St and Dice St. I always wished they'd crossed, but no city could hold on to signage like that. he'd painted it transfat yellow with army green trim and it leaned badly. the interior was done in malt liquor bottle brown and robin's egg blue lead paint. the only new section was built by gate, a back room addition to the rickety two story house.
gate was one year ahead of me in college and one of my closest now it was seven years later and i was living outside of town renting steve keenes house. gate was training to be an architect and practicing on this house and it was the first time someone i knew built a room. i'd come in to town and we'd go do something and i would pass out there to save driving.
at this point gate decided to rent the backroom.
gate had never given up his saturday afternoon radio show and he knew darius from the station. His mother came down and put up curtains.
this is all around 1996-97
I was probably 29. Gate was 30. Darius 21?
Darius was a very gentle person who nevertheless took the lead in getting things done among his peers.
I don't think Darius classifies as a millenial but he embodied several positive qualitative traits i associate with millenials.
more kind, more competent, more curious, more worldly, not as quick to judge, better able to work in groups than people my age.
At some point i asked Darius by what route he had come to educate himself about music. I think he told me he was a pink floyd fan who fell for the smiths.
Today everyone contributes to the internet. At that time the idea of anyone in charlottesville creating and distributing local work for outside public consumption was a "cute" thing to try to do but charlottesville's discographical heritage was one of the shortest and weakest in collegetown history. the happy flowers and the dave matthews band. but nothing in between. there's a lot of space between those two you know?
He slept late, but then he took charge. He got good work out of others. I dont remember him as a nag but I dont see how else he could have got me write something for him back then.
and he couldnt have filled all those 2-6 am dj slots no one wanted in the summer without being a nag
but he got stuck doing that late shift a lot and he became a daysleeper. when id come over he'd be getting up bleary-eyed and rubbing his face.
he got most of his work done elsewhere. when he was back in his room he couldnt help falling asleep.
He'd put shows at tokyo rose and sometimes he'd bring a band home to flop on the floor.
bedhead came in one night. one sat down and opened his laptop id never seen one before. i was surprised to find someone i knew from high school had joined the band that was touring with them. i pulled him aside "what the fuck is going on? is he communicating with people through his computer?"
two foot flame was a funny group of people. i was listening to a uva/florida state football game on the radio at the house. the game was going two miles away, right over the trees from tokyo rose and i always liked that effect of the radio delay and the crowdnoise coming through the window. darius brought them to the house before their show and gate cooked his weird "health food" for the band they were three very fun people, jen michael and peter. i was impressed that michael morley from the dead c was there. in the house that was the objective correlative of a dead c song. of course he didnt know much about football but he picked it up and was able to know what was going on over the radio. the chance of uva beating florida state in 1995 was about as low as the likelihood that a local record could ever matter to anyone in the outer world.
florida state had been #1 all season. UVA was unranked. florida state had joined the acc four years before and was 29-0 against Acc opponents.
but uva wasnt getting blown away. somehow uva's defense was pushing florida state off the line. they took the lead into halftime. these were fourth year classmates of darius
michael was as excited as i was by this point…we were pounding beer and whiskey i dont think darius cared about sports. maybe im wrong. at any rate he cared about getting the band to the show. but the game was too exciting. [tiki barber ending up rushing 200 yards +45 passing for uva. florida state threw for 500 yards, both qbs threw 3 interceptions] with 7 minutes left it was 33-21 uva. and then we threw an interception. and then florida state started to pour it on. score 33-28 and life in charlottesville seemed due to return to normal. on the next possession uva went four and out. florida state got the ball back with 3 minutes left. darius insisted we leave or we'd hit stadium traffic.
i had to explain to the band that the end was a foregone conclusion and i didnt think id be going to see their show anymore but i was not excused and me gate darius and the three players crowded into gate's 75 dodge dart for the two mile drive to tokyo rose. fsu began its march. despair in the air. and two foot flame wasnt a party band. i stick my head out the window to lower the volume to where i can just barely hear the play by play. uva intercepts! i hauled myself back into a totally different car. noise band acapella as we pull into the parking lot and burst out of the car and through myself on the asphalt. . the crowd noise is huge coming over the trees. 45000 famously tepid uva fans are losing their minds on prime time national tv. but of course it wasnt over. fsu uses their three time outs and gets the ball back. we're all standing around the car. the radio's up all the way. they come down the field. i back away from the car. darius goes inside. i can just hear the radio. it wont hurt as bad when it happens. it'll be like bad news whispered in my ear. florida state makes it all the way down to uva's three yard line. i could just keep walking west on Rt. 250 and hitch my way to the blue ridge parkway to freeze to death on a mountain top tonight.
here's how it ended. go to 11:00 and you experience the tension yourself:
i hit the glass doors of tokyo rose like they were blocking sleds and….while the place was full, it was as quiet as japanese restaurants are quiet. no one else was screaming. no one cared. these people came here to get away from sports.
a post script on darius: after darius moved out gate discovered the gas heat to darius room had been hooked up wrong. no wonder he couldn't stay awake in there.
"Symptoms of mild acute poisoning include lightheadedness, confusion, headache, vertigo, and flu-like effects; larger exposures can lead to significant toxicity of the central nervous system and heart, and death. Chronic exposure to low levels of carbon monoxide can lead to depression, confusion, and memory loss. Carbon monoxide poisoning has also been implicated as the cause of apparent haunted houses; symptoms such as delirium and hallucinations have led people suffering poisoning to think they have seen ghosts or to believe their house is haunted."
how could jagjaguwar have evolved in such oxygen depleted environment?
"Carbon monoxide is not toxic to all forms of life. Its harmful effects are due to binding with hemoglobin so its danger to organisms that do not use this compound is doubtful. It thus has no effect on photosynthesising plants.[5]"
i am not qualified to say, but i theorize that jagjaguwar is a plant and not an animal. From there we can rule out grasses, flowers, and weeds since they have such short lifespans. Tonight I believe Jagjaguwar is a tree.
Aquest passat primer d’agost va traspassar D.A.Pennebaker i no ens
enganyem, el coneixiem – que no és poc – pels seus documentals estrelles, Don’t Look Back (1967) i el del festival
Monterrey Pop (1968). La seva vida ha
estat dedicada al documentalisme i és el que passa com en tants àmbits, que si
quan ets jove tens sort i ets en el lloc adequat envoltat de la gent adequada,
quedes glorificat tant amunt que quan baixes del trono en el que t’han posat,
costa bastant més que se’t vegi.
I és que en realitat, tot resulta només quan
toca. Un exemple parlant de documentals: el cas d’An Accidental Studio (2019), documental sobre els estudis
cinematogràfics que George Harrison va
tirar endavant i que com que no el van passar a l’In-Edit, la setmana justeta de juliol que va estar als cinemes,
gairebé no el va anar a veure ni el que talla les entrades. Tenia 92 anys.
Pennebaker, no el que talla les entrades.