dissabte, 11 de gener del 2020


... i el guanyador és:


D'entre els milions de vídeos promocionals penjats al llarg de tot un any, com ser capaç d'escollir per a una mateixa el que ha sigut el millor? Difícil. Però no impossible

Així, un cop acabat l’any, m'hi vaig posar i he recordat aquest Control de fa uns mesos, la darrera cançó del – oficialment – primer disc de Weeping Icon, editat el setembre, grup que integren unes experimentades noies de Brooklyn compromeses amb la seva escena. 

Practiquen un noise punk que en aquest vídeo, dirigit per elles mateixes, han clavat molt bé el missatge tancant el cercle creatiu que es van proposar. Ho expliquen així:

‘With the song “Control,” the final song on our album, we wanted to create a tactile experience born from the subjects we explored throughout, a sort of musical epilogue that would take our animus and end it in a catharsis of mournful fury. The video opens with the lead-in track “perfect the art,” which alludes to the major working concept from our album – the exhausting, unsustainable drive to stay relevant in the modern world, and its largely unexamined foundations in egotism, selfishness and exploitation – and juxtaposes it against the truth of inevitable loss. The video stars Cal Fish, one of our favorite artists, who shared with us an emotionally moving, unrestrained physical performance. To us, their character represents the unlocking of true artistic potential. One day we’ll be gone, and we won’t be able to change the impression we’ve made on the world. The only real, lasting control we have is how we sculpt our shadows’.

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